Ref: Sorority Dinner

Happy Valentine’s Day, all! Hoping to feel some love for the strip in the comments section! 😉 That is one of my favorite features of the new website; I had requested a forum over at ComicGenesis, but they never gave it to me in three years (or anyone else, to my understanding. You get what you pay for, I guess).  Soon I hope to have Gravatars based on my characters so that you will be represented by someone with your posts! However, feel free to enjoy the default pics while you comment on this strip and past ones! Let me know which is your favorite!

Percy is maybe a little too trusting of his sleigh, given it’s past history. I certainly wouldn’t want to be in that thing flying over the Atlantic. And I can’t imagine the in-flight meals are to great, either, unless it’s some of Percy’s salsa.

The font I used for the Happy Valentine’s Day wish is “Santa’s Big Secret” from Blambot (you’ve seen it before). However, since it’s Valentine’s Day, clearly we are going to have a war of the holidays. Ichabod shall lead the fight, and Santa Claus shall become the anti-hero…wait, Sluggy Freelance already did that. I guess I’ll just stick to awesome comics about Santa Claus being a Commie, like in the reference link above.

Lastly, be sure to check out the links to your left; SR: Scouting and the extras have been transferred. I should have a home page for each soon.