As you probably saw from my recent sketchbook post, I’m still around! Sort of.
I did have plans to complete Year 1 of Baloney when last I posted in June. Technically, I still have said plans, I just can’t really call it “Year 1”. June kinda threw me for a loop. My wife and I had planned on moving in early summer, so I planned to work a full week of camp in late June to minimize interference, while still giving over a week’s buffer to prep for our belated wedding reception. We also planned on getting our lavender farm in the ground in mid-spring. You can probably guess what happened. Within a couple weeks, we had to get the lavender in the ground, I took off for camp, got whacked by a storm that flooded said camp and laid me out with a cold, and had to move within a couple days of returning. Then I had my grandmother’s memorial service and wedding reception right after that! Oh, and throw in my summer class kicking my butt a lot harder than expected (but that’s a different rant). It was A LOT. “No problem!” I say to myself. “I’ll just catch up in August, make a funny letter to my editor that doesn’t exist about the delay, etc.” HA! Had several family health issues hit at the start of August as I was starting my new teaching post, and things just kept snowballing. Plus I’ve found post-COVID and post-wedding that I just don’t want to sit at my home computer as much any more. Most weeks I might only sit down at it once, if that. I’m trying to do a bit more (got some mapping projects I’ve started in addition to Spoofy Randomness), but we’ll see.
So, long story short (too late), Spoofy Randomness ain’t dead, but not gonna be posting as regularly for the time being.