Wow. Gotta say, when I launched this comic in 2009 back on a poorly-designed Google Site I expected it to last two months tops. Not ten years, for sure. And here we are, moved from Google Sites to Comic Genesis to our own place, two main series of comics completed, several sketchbooks and a few SR: Scouting strips thrown in, Comic Rocket marks this post as number 442. Not bad for a guy who hasn’t taken an art class since 6th grade…

For those of you who have stuck with Spoofy Randomness since the beginning, you are what kept me going. For those of you who have joined the ride, I’m glad you did! Hearing people say they’re looking forward to the next comic has always been one of the best parts about doing this.

I wanted to make a tribute in particular to the webcomics that inspired me to try it myself. I’ll post a list of those pictured tomorrow, but see how many characters you recognize! I know I left out some comics, but I only had so much space. I’m quite proud of this piece, and I hope you enjoy it.