Meagan introduced me to this song, and oh man do I feel it some days:

The weekend thing always throws me; there’s a double whammy there because the weekend in the Middle East is Friday-Saturday. Combine that with a 7 to 8 hour difference with Central Time Zone, and I’m leaving work on Thursdays while Meagan is heading to two more days. It makes finding time to video chat very difficult because we don’t share much of a weekend and weekdays are almost impossible since one of us is always at work or asleep. I think a 12 hour time difference would actually be easier to handle because of that.

Okay, so an eleven-thirty start to a game isn’t that early (unless you’re a college student), but for those that have to work those games (like the Scouts who volunteer for ushering, and the professionals like Will who get to help), it can become quite early. It takes a lot of effort to prepare for enough people for Memorial Stadium to become the third-largest ‘city’ in Nebraska! Trying to shunt that many people, sometimes in varying states of sobriety, can be quite ridiculous, especially at that hour.

And yes, Meagan does this every day. Silly. 🙂

Technical note: I changed where I draw to have better posture, but it turns out I’ve gotten into bad habits and drawing on a table suddenly means I can’t seem to draw a straight line. Ugh. I’ll keep working on that.