Archive for origin-of-santa-claus
This would be a minor flaw in Percy’s grand plan. I’ve been sketching my characters in different outfits to help kind of standardize my drawings, and this is the result of some of that. I like the look of Nikki […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
A lovely insight into a Christmas at Greenpath. FYI, they are playing “Pitchfork 3”, which obviously is a Halo parody. There are some slight differences from the real life version of this game. The most obvious of which is the […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Ref 1: John Whitebucket’s first appearance | Ref 2: “Watch out for Communists” Of all the recurring secondary characters in the strip (Peanut Butter, Jelly, John and Susan Whitebucket, Holly, Ichabod, Chad the Edona College Do-It-All, and Sheriff Whitebucket have been shown so […] ↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And the next story arc (finally) begins! And that tree SURELY looks nothing like the one in my dorm lounge. Nope, not at all. Have fun! ~Stretch Longfellow~