Well, well, well, look at that. The first update of SR:Scouting in 1,140 days, and it includes the entire massive(?) archive of SR:Scouting in the background! You can probably guess what motivated me to interrupt the current Spoofy Randomness arc and post this one.
As you have probably heard, the Boy Scouts recently approved the policy change that dictates that youth will not be discriminated against by basis of sexuality, amongst the other usuals. While I approve of this policy change, that’s not why I posted this. Why I posted this is because despite the hype around it from either side, the fact still remains that Boy Scouts is the best youth program out there. Period. I will stand by that statement, and regardless of which way decisions in the future may go, it is my goal to continue to serve each boy that comes my direction (which is about to become many, as I am heading off to camp today!) and make sure they have a quality program to help them become the best citizens they can be. I would like to hear your thoughts, as always, so feel free to leave your comments below (and of course be COURTEOUS, FRIENDLY, and KIND, which should go without saying).
On a different note, as I was preparing this comic, I discovered something. You will see what this discovery was come August. Stay tuned! Also, if you wish to just scroll through the SR:Scouting archive, just click Previous and Next in Chapter.