So apparently the drama from this post isn’t over yet. Mother Nature started by freezing Nebraska out through most of spring, and if you recall that also involved a lightning strike on my house. Well, apparently the air conditioner got fried by that as well, and had been limping along until last Thursday when it finally gave up the ghost. Luckily, the past week has been nice and cool, but living in a rural area means getting anyone out here, especially on the week of the 4th, takes time. Got someone out here today and now we have to wait to play the insurance game and it’s gonna be HOT this week! Whee!
Yes, there are now ads on Spoofy Randomness. The downside of going independent is that I have to pay for my site hosting out of my own pocket. Previously, ComicGenesis, despite all of its politics and problems, was free. I also want to try to actually make a little (emphasis on little) something off of this comic so that I can have a little more justification for spending hours per week on it more than “it’s fun to do”. Expect to see a couple more up, particularly one from Project Wonderful. I’ll try to keep them as unobtrusive as possible. Also, PLEASE DO NOT USE AD-BLOCK ON WEBCOMIC PAGES (not limited to just this comic). Thank you.
So apparently Mother Nature didn’t like my joke on Sunday’s strip. We had a storm roll in Wednesday morning, and lightning fried a bunch of our electronics. The computer was fine (thank GOODNESS), but our internet router and modem, among other things, got fried.
Then to rain on my parade, a spambot decided to storm my comment section while my internet was washed up. So no more weather jokes from me until this blows over. I don’t want Mother Nature to press charges against me.